Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday Night Football


Kiera said...

Yay Bennett! Way to go! I love the bunny hop crawl -- he is so cute. The giggle is precious also! Too cute!

I really enjoy seeing the videos :)

Kara said...

Cute!! Bennett is so adorable and his smile and laugh are infectious!

Mummu and Poppa said...

There is nothing like a child's laughter. Bennett you are the best!

This 'Tuesday Night Football' must be just for daddy and Bennett - poor Bowser will have to maybe settle for 'Every-Other-Night Football'. We are surprised that Bowser didn't try to join in the 'game' - after all he (use to own) ownes the title of 'Football King'!! Whenever a football is thrown Bowser is after it. Now he has to learn to share that space with Bennett - things could become very very interesting in the days to come!!

Imagine the CFL and the NFL using such a colourful football - maybe more ladies would develop an interest in the game!

Your videos are priceless! Keep them coming.

Love and Prayers
Mummu and Poppa
xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo

Dawn said...

Touchdown!!! Too cute! I also love his crawl, so darn cute.

Barbara said...

Kiera & Dawn: Bennett started out with "regular crawling" but somehow decided this bunny hop was better. We keep trying to correct it but I think it's a losing battle. At this point we're still celebrating his mobility.

Kara: That laugh is something else. He was laughing so hard I was worried he might hyperventilate!

Mummu: Yes, Bowser was not a happy dog. He kept trying to bring his football in the mix and tried to pick up Bennett's a few times. However, our good dog managed to avoid the temptation. Mostly Bowser just sat on the sidelines with a face that looked like his team had just lost the Superbowl. After the main event, Daddy played a little game with Bowser and that seemed to make up for it.

Unknown said...

I laughed out loud when I heard your laugh Bennett. I know you are a football player in the making!
Auntie Bonnie