After reading blogs for months now, I've decided to start my own. I first thought of the idea a couple months after returning home from the hospital with my broken leg. Originally, it seemed like a good idea to document my recovery. A journal that I could look back on when times were better and remind myself how far I had come. As my leg got better and I became busier with life as a new mom (with some physical challenges) I kind of forgot about the idea.
However, within the last couple of weeks I found myself thinking about it again. My son Bennett was recently diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Suddenly rather than searching the Interent for information about broken legs and what to feed a one year old I found myself looking for cerebral palsy. There's a lot out there - most of it scary - wheelchairs, seizures, learning disabilties, pain, surgeries, etc. What I didn't find initially was hope when unfortunately, that's what I was looking for. Hope that somehow this terrifying diagnosis wasn't the end of the world - hope that my son - my perfect, gorgeous, happy little boy - could have a "normal" life - whatever normal means.
Eventually, I did find some hope on the computer. Not in the form of official cerebral palsy agencies, medical websites or scientific articles. I found hope in the blogs. Blogs of parents who deal with cerebral palsy and all the challenges it brings every day. Each blog is different because each child is so different. What they all have in common is that they love their children and cheer them on as they learn to live with challenges most of us can't even imagine.
So why did that inspire me to start a blog? Once again I wanted a journal that I can look back on and remind myself of where Bennett started and how much he accomplishes - I know there will be great things. I also wanted a place where family and friends can keep up to date on his progress with thereapy and cheer him on (ok - and maybe cheer me on too). Maybe along the way, we can give some hope and comfort to someone else.
Life goes on - one day at a time. And today is Monday.
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3 months ago
Dear Bennett, Mom, Dad, and Bowser:
I am so very happy that you have begun this blog to help to identify moments of struggle as well as moments of grace and healing. You know you have all the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie praying for you. Each of you has your own team of angels and saints whose sole job it is to support and love you on this life journey, pray for you and cheer you on. Know you are in our hearts and prayers as you continue this journey of healing love.
Auntie Bonnie Anne
Hi Bennett,
What a great idea your mom had in making this blog for you! Thank your mom for me.
You know that I have fallen head over heals in love with you, hey!!! I have never known this kind of intense love and thank you for allowing me to experience it with you.
I will be by your side throughout your beautiful life. I'm on your team and I'll play whatever position you want me in. I'll even get a toutou and pompom's and cheer you on.
And what to you get?
The best little guy in my world!!
Yayyyyyyyyyyyy - BENNETT!!!!!!!!
I obviously need some practice, but I should get better as time goes on - I hope!!
You are in my thoughts, my dreams, my heart and my prayers.
Big kiss from Antie Gaetanne
P.S. - Hi Auntie Bonnie Anne. I have not me you yet but heard you are pretty special. I look forward to meeting you one day.
Thank you to Mommy Barbara for this Blog. She has much on her own plate but for her and Daddy Jim - Bennett is #1.
The morning after his diagnoses Bennett awoke still his same 'everloving' and 'best-baby-ever' that he had been all the previous days of his life.
Bennett is our #1 grandson, the apple of our eye and our love muffin. There are not enough words to describe our feelings and love for Bennett and his Mom, Dad and Bowser.
Our Bennett Highlights:
* he gives the 'best kisses' with those 'lips to die for'
* his smiles melt our hearts
* he sits at the 'big-people-table' in his high chair (loves to feed himself) and shares in his own 'lingo' his opinion on all conversations - our course he knows how to get our undivided attention by always being the centre of attention
* he loves the ladies (especially those in charge of the food - at home and at the restaurant)
* he loves to snuggle-up-tight at nap time as anyone who has napped with him can atest to
* at an early age he was able to do what so many people wanted to do (young and old) and that was shake his head NO to Mummu's singing. Ha! Ha!
We are all here for a season and a reason. We don't have all the answers but when we are asked the question "Who are we?" We know that we are God's beloved sons and daughters and He will see us through this. With great medical help and everyones continued love and support we will all continue enjoying our 'little man', Bennett.
Bennett makes us all love, laugh and enjoy life more each day.
So on behalf of Bennett we say, "Please understand that I will not let what I cannot do, interfere with what I can do."
Greetings from Florida to Bennett, Barbara, Jim and Bowser, Grandma and Grandpa Burke, Aunty Bonnie and Auntie Gaetanne.
Keep up the good work and God bless!
Lots of love, prayers, hugs and kisses to all
Mummu and Poppa
xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo
God's wonderful and precious gift to our loving family.
Hi Barbara, Jim, Bennett, and Bowser
Greetings from Edmonton, Alberta.
It's been some time since we spoke, but you are always in our thoughts, and prayers. I (Anne)usually get grandma's perspective on how things are going so this is wonderful that you've set up your own blog. We feel like we're getting the up to date stuff from Mom and Dad. Don't get me wrong grandma, you do a good job keeping us in the loop.
OH my goodness Bennett, are you ever a cutie..... (Ok, grandma didn't exaggerate that one!!) Barbara and Jim,, we think you have a wonderful little boy here, that is obviously special to everyone around you. We can hardly wait to meet him someday.
Bennett is very lucky to have parents as you two. Also, just as lucky to have both of your parents around. It's obvious that both your parents have done a wonderful job raising both of you so that you will be great parents to Bennett, and of course Bowser.
We're looking forward to keeping up with your progress Bennett.
Take care,
Love, Anne & Rick Rainey
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