Have you ever spent time looking at and examining a part of your body and wondering what it would be like if it were gone? I'm not talking about a bit of extra weight or a mole or something but rather an actual part of your body. Well, that's what I've been doing a lot lately - too much. You see, I've been worried about the possibility of losing my foot. I had a CT scan done not too long ago so the doctor could get a better look at the quality of the bone in my injured foot - he had some concerns. Consequently so did I and as usual imagined the worst scenario. After the accident there was a very strong possiblity that they were going to amputate my leg. Fortunately, I fell on the good side of the statistics and they were able to put it all back together. However, my doctor had anticipated that we may run into trouble at some point.
Yesterday I had a followup visit with my orthopedic surgeon and the good news is that my foot isn't going anywhere! The doctor was worried that I was developing avascular necrosis - a condition where the blood supply to the bone is affected and as a result begins to die. It turns out that I don't have this condition and the odds are getting higher that I won't. Avascular necrosis does not mean amputation in most cases, however I was frightened because I know that with the seriousness of my injury that it may have become a very real possibility. So this good news doesn't get rid of my other issues but it's very good news indeed. The doctor even said he would leave me alone for a while. And as much as I like the guy it will be nice to create a bit more distance in our relationship.
The title of the post is two things. Well, the good news about my leg is the first thing because it happened yesterday. The second thing happened today. I heard from Bennett's doctor regarding the results of last week's EEG. It turns out that the results are normal! Now, I realize that this doesn't mean that he isn't having or hasn't had seizures but it's still good news and we're happy.
So, there you go - two things - two good things. I know there are no guarantees in either situation but as I said it's good news and right now I'll take it and hang on to it with all my might!
As for the picture - I have a hard time posting without a picture but didn't want to insert one of my foot. As much as I love it, Bennett is much cuter. I thought the picture was appropriate since it shows Bennett and one of my crutches. He has so much fun playing with them. Maybe we should buy him more toys!
PS: Hopefully in less than 48 hours I'll be lying on that beach I told you about a couple weeks ago. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!